onsdag den 19. oktober 2011

The Holocaust Museum

The Holocaust museum
On Sunday in Washington we visited the holocaust museum. It was a very visual museum compared to other museums. We all got a little book with real fates of a person who lived during world war ll. In the museum, you start at the top, and on each floor you get to read a piece of your person’s life story. Starting at the top floor is the beginning, you learn the history of how it all began. The whole museum had gray and black colors on the walls and dimmed lights. It was cold and silent. You could feel everybody’s respect. Going down a floor, everything begins to be a lot worse. There were graphic pictures of what types of people got killed and how they were killed. There was a big model of the gas chambers, videos of deadly experiments on humans and pictures from the concentration camps of starved, sick and dead people. When you have seen the belongings, families and fates of most of the people in the concentrations camps, you go down a floor.  When you reach the place in your soul of anger and sorrow, it all lights up. You end up seeing the fates of those who got away, and hearing about all the rescuing teams that helped a lot of people escape. Ending the tour you read what happened to your person.  The tour ends in a remembrance hall where you can light a candle. 
/Camilla Steen
Beskrivelse: http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/300268_2561809408326_1346809004_2957410_1718685216_n.jpg

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