tirsdag den 25. oktober 2011
The Last Day! by Habib Qoriyshi
The Bluewater was great, lots of Danes and their hosts went. I got some good chicken, but not that good. While we were there we looked at some yachts that were docked by the restaurant. The restaurant was very nice and was right on the water. Afterwards, Zach (my host), Alexander, Seth, Suulut, Tanner, and I went to the Fuzzy Peach to get frozen yogurt. It was very good, I got many different flavors and toppings. I had a very good time in America, and I am going to miss everyone I met there very much. I want to move to America!
By Habib Qoriyshi
Forth Fisher and Battlefield
We started driving from the school with the school bus. We drove out to the Forth Fisher and Battlefield. It was so anxious from the start. We started with walking around in aquarium. Most of you would think that it would be boring to walk around in an aquarium, but it was not like that. There were exciting things and beautiful fish. For example there were two men who jumped into the water and spoke to us from the aquarium. After the aquarium we went out to see the Battlefield. Before we could see the battlefield, we had to see a short movie about the American civil war.it was approximately 15 min long and then we went out to see the battlefield, where the Americans fought against each other. After that we went to a restaurant and ate very fatty food and after that we get back to school. At all it was an exciting ride.
Written by Wahed
søndag den 23. oktober 2011
My intention is not to offend anyone and if you continue reading you will see that my prejudices were ashamed and proven wrong.
“American teens are fat.” That is what everyone tells you. I came to Wilmington expecting to see teens rolling down the street to go to the MacDonalds which would be on every single street corner.
I came to Wilmington thinking everyone would be totally conservative and going to church seven days a week.
Danish people goes to high school, Americans go to prison.
American teens are not that fat or Christian. They are just normal teens
Surfing at the Beach
In the Land of Opportunities you can do a lot of things and in my case it was surfing.
Water sport has always interested me and I was really excited to try surfing! I have tried windsurfing before so I thought it would be easy for me to surf. I was wrong…
My host Garion was a good teacher and I had a good time in the delightful water. In my opinion everybody should try surfing. Who knows you might like it as I did, and you may get interested in water sport. I had although a very nice day with surfing and good weather. Love it
Written by Henrik Rasmussen
lørdag den 22. oktober 2011
My American Weekend
onsdag den 19. oktober 2011
Povler's grove hayride
At first the trip was a little scary because we didn't know what would happen. We didn't go very far before the driver drove the wrong way. It was really scary because we didn't know what had happened. After changing wagon the trip really began.
There was a lot of scary stuff and they had made some scary remakes of Disney characters e.g. Rapunzel, but instead of her being saved by the beautiful prince, she strangled him with her golden hair.
During the tour someone jumped on the wagon. They were trying to scare us. At last there were two guys with a chainsaw who took one of the passengers. They dragged her out of the wagon and then they chopped her into pieces muhahahahahahahaha!
But all in all, in spite of going the wrong way in the beginning, the trip was scary, but also a lot of fun.
By Michelle Sørensen
But here comes the best part: We went to Wall Mart to go shopping!
I got a new book, some candy, and ...... AN IPAD!
Then we went back to the school where our hosts should pick us up. My host had to do somthing private, so I went with someone else. We went to the beach, where we stayed for approximately half an hour, and then they dropped me off at Ginger's (my host).
By Monica Meineche
Water, fun and food
The answer: Definitely yes! After school we went to this fantastic beach, Johnni Murcer Pier, where my host (Kelsey) and I met Isabella, Marc, Wahed and their host.
It ended up with American football and some soccer, where my team won it all. After a few hours on the beach, Hannah suggested that we go to her place where there would be pizza and that we could jump in their pool, hot tub and in the disgusting river!
It was absolutely the best day of the entire first week but it turned out that the following week would be just as amazing!
At the movies!
My host took me to the movie theater to watch a movie on Monday 17th. We went with Anine and her host and one of our hosts' friends. We came at 8pm and we were planning on watching this movie called Dream House, which is a scary movie. We bought the tickets and walked in, bought some candy and popcorn, found the theater where Dream House was going to play, but oops - it had already begun playing! We were an hour late! We watched Footloose instead of Dream House, which was an even better idea! It was funny, making me happy and I wanted to dance all over the place! I enjoyed my buttered up popcorn too, though! Popcorn with butter is heaven!
Jungle Rapids
Everyone had to wear protective gear with battle names on them. Of course I chose something cool to represent my toughness, so I got the one with the name of a Norse god: Thor. After the game had begun I was running around trying to shoot everyone and not getting shot myself. I was a true natural at this game....at least I thought so at the time. When the game was finished and we got to see the highscores (I definitely expected to see my name at the top) who's at the very bottom?... me. Great.
Off to ride gokarts. That was so much fun and despite me being the only one without a driver's license out of the 4 of us, I didn't lose!
My class and my host have made this a really great trip and I'm just not quite ready to go home yet....
- Anine Th. Gabjerg.
The Holocaust Museum
tirsdag den 18. oktober 2011
The Soccer Game
The Japanese Steak House
We entered this little Japanese world with large grills in the middle of the tables. We started out with the soup, which was delicious. I had a little bit of sushi and we all ordered the hibachi steak.rd for this.
The National museum Of American History
mandag den 17. oktober 2011
A special kind of sport
søndag den 16. oktober 2011
An American haircut
lørdag den 15. oktober 2011
Meeting the American students
Later when we got to the parking lot at the school, we were welcomed by some students from Hoggard High school. Then we got really nervous!
We met our hosts who were very curious about our culture, school, spare time and family. Some of us ate in a restaurant while others ate at home, where some had to say grace. Afterwards, some of us met with other students, and others went to bed early because of the jetlag.
By Michelle Sørensen, Monica Meineche & Henriette Buch
fredag den 14. oktober 2011
Sophia Bush sure recycles a lot. Yeah, you heard (read) me!
And you probably think how did THAT happen?
Well here is a pretty awesome story about a girl, a basketball court and a car with a note written on it.
- When we went to see the Battleship, we ate our lunch (or whatever you call cola and chips) outside. The teacher Chris Garner told me the incredible news, One Three Hill is being recorded in Wilmington, NC, and you are looking at the outside basketball court right now. I went ballistic and took a Zillion pictures! Little did I know that thing was about to get even more cool because the next morning I told my host family about my passion for One Three Hill (google it!) and they told me that their/our neighbor, Greg, was a cameraman on the show. So my host mom said she would write him a note and put it on his car and I said that it would be cool. I didn’t hear more about it until later that afternoon when my host, Kenzie, told me that we were going to see the set of One Three Hill. I got so happy and couldn’t even wait.
We went to the set at around 6.00 pm and we tried to call Greg but he didn't answer. So we talked to some of the soundmen outside the café and they told us about these French girls who had been sitting in the café across the street, waiting to see a famous person for months. So when after five minutes we got to go inside I laughed a sweet laugher, thinking how cool I felt at that time.
When we got inside we stood for a few minutes and then we talked with a couple of people who all thought it was cool that I am a Dane (I am a viking, haha!). Suddenly, Sophia Bush walked past us. She was on the phone and drinking her coffee when she saw that some of the plastic cups had gone into the wrong trashcan so she picked them up and threw them into the right one. My heart was pounding so hard and I was shaking even before she was talking to me.
We watched them make a scene and experienced how many times they had to do just one scene to get it right.
When she had finished the scene she came to see us, and she shook my hand. I was so excited and I was shaking and it felt like my heart was about to pop out of my chest! She even let me take a picture with her and she talked to us for some minutes about how the international fans were some seasons behind the American. Then she left and we went to see the inside of Karen’s café.
After this awesome experience my host's mom, my host's little sister and my host went for an ice cream and it was so great and the perfect end of a great evening.
onsdag den 12. oktober 2011
Saturday 4 of us went to a 'gold match' between Washington Capitals and Carolina Hurricanes. The trip to Verizon Center was cool. There were Capital fans everywhere. But the game was even more amazing! The excitement from the crowed throughout the game was something you don't experience everyday. From were we sat we had a great overview.
tirsdag den 11. oktober 2011
First day of American high school!
Today, October 11, was our first day of school - John T. Hoggard high school! Our first class began at 8:30 and we were all very excited to see the school and how it all worked. This was indeed something we had been looking forward to all the week! At our first class, we got splitted into some different groups, where we were introduced to some students from the school council who was going to guide us around the school. The school was quite big, but it also has about 2,000 students which is a lot compared to our 600-700 students at Ikast Gymnasium. We saw all the long hallways, the football field, the gym and all the parking lots - a lot of students at this high school have their own car - very expensive cars. Going around the school the American students were very interested in us and they stared a lot at us, like our teacher Mr. Garner said, as we were zoo exhibits.
Later on, we got into some different groups which each had Danish and American students in it. Our assignment was to discuss the differences and similarities between
All in all, our first day of school was a great experience. The American students were very nice and we both learned something about each others' cultures and differences in the way we live our lives. At 15:30 our hosts picked us up at Mr. Garner's classroom after a very exciting day!
Potomac Mills
… is the biggest mall we have ever seen! Much bigger than the ones we have in Denmark.
The first thing that happened when we had just arrived to the mall was that 2 women wanted to talk with us. They asked us if we wanted to be in a beauty contest because we looked pretty – what a confidence boost.
A thing we noticed about the mall was that it had a really funky smell and we certainly weren’t the only ones who noticed it. Our theory is that it was the food from the food chain Auntie Anne’s… Don’t go there! When it was time to go home, 9 of us girls decided to go together. Everything went well with taking a cab and going on the metro but then we got off. It was there everything went wrong. We thought that finding a bus was going to be a piece of cake but we failed. We felt hopelessly lost in DC. It was awful. Finally we found one of the right bus stops but it was blocked by a demonstration against the war in Afghanistan. Just our luck. Then after a long (and not clarifying) conversation with 2 police officers we decided to take a cab. As we turned around the first corner what did we see? The exact bus we were supposed to take and of course we drove behind it all the way to Georgetown. What a lovely ending to a lovely day.
- Michell la Cour and Anine Gasbjerg
mandag den 10. oktober 2011
søndag den 9. oktober 2011
Capitol, Washington D.C
A not so quick step travel to the States!
Two words can be used to describe our trip to the US, excitement and waiting. At first we thought we were to leave at 5.00 am Friday 10.7. but Wednesday we got the news, “DSB has made a mistake and we are leaving at 2.00 am instead.” For some those three hours don’t seem as a great difference but for us it suddenly meant that we were to leave what felt like Thursday instead of Friday.So we all went to the bus station with our parents in the middle of the night and standing there, freezing, and were both relieved and nervous when the bus arrived. We were all very tired and tried to sleep but our busdriver, Hans Jørgen, had different plans. Telling us all about the new driveway all the way, we were quite relieved when we reached Frederica.